Saturday, September 29, 2012

Training... So how does someone get ready to hike 2000 miles?

   They say that the only way to train for hiking the AT is by doing it.  The trail is notorious for its P.U.D's (pointless up and downs) and the rough terrain.  Living as close as I do to the base of the trail at Springer Mountain, GA, I do hill climbs and walking every day.  I'm active.
  But yesterday was a surprise, both a good one and bad.  I did a six mile hike with a 20 pound bag.  Now, I've done this hike plenty of times.  It involves climbing the fire road to the ridge top, hiking east along Big Tank and dropping back into the valley on the Pinhoti.  The first third is a long hike up.  The second is a nice gentle hike down.  The third is a couple of miles back along the road to the house.  But I've never done it in full pack.
  I was expecting my feet to give out or blister and to experience a lot of pain from the pack.  I got neither.  It was amazing how quickly I got use to the feeling.  That was the good part.
  The bad?  To get to Maine I'm going to do twice what I did yesterday... everyday.  Lots of NSAIDS.

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